Member Information

Full Membership

AISGW schools:

  • Are non-profit and meet the criteria of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
  • Have an independent board of trustees
  • Have a primarily academic character
  • Are accredited by such agencies as the Virginia Association of Independent Schools, the National Association for the Education of Young Children, the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, the Association of Independent Schools of Maryland and D.C., the Southern Association of Independent Schools, or other agencies approved by AISGW
  • Have nondiscrimination policies in admissions and hiring
  • Have audited financial statements
  • Have been in operation for thirty-six consecutive months

Provisional Membership

Schools with provisional AISGW membership:

  • May be unaccredited, but otherwise fulfill the criteria for Full Membership and have been in operation for the previous twelve months
  • If unaccredited, provisional members will be granted three years to start the accreditation process and five years to complete it

Application Process

  1. Complete a membership application (below), including all supplemental materials listed in the application.
  2. AISGW’s Executive Director will schedule a visit to the school when it is in session to observe classrooms, meet with senior staff, and answer questions about membership.
  3. Two members of AISGW’s Membership Committee will conduct similar visits.
  4. AISGW’s board of trustees will vote on the application.

Member Dues

Each AISGW member school pays a base fee, which varies by enrollment, plus a standard per-student charge. Regardless of enrollment, no school pays more than 70% of its highest tuition.

Board Approved Dues Structure for 2024-2025
Based on 2023-2024 Enrollment (full-time and part-time)
205 or fewer $1,805 + $16.41/student
206-250 $2,013 + $16.41/student
251-450 $2,107 + $16.41/student
451-750 $2,484 + $16.41/student
Over 750 $2,845 + $16.41/student


Membership Application

Click here to download a membership application form.

Click here to download the fillable version of the membership application form.